Jyarimon is a Fresh-level digimon, newly hatched. Like all fresh digimon, Jyarimon has a rounded ball body with only its coloration, wing-ears, and face setting it apart from the others. Jyarimon evolves into Gigimon, the in-training form of Guilmon.
Height: 9.0 cm/3.5 in
Width: 6.8 cm/ 2.6 in
Depth: 7.1 cm/2.8 in
Pages: 1
Pieces: 11
Level: Easy
Designer: POdragon
Photo: Destro2k
Notes: Easy to build; build his body from top to bottom, then build wing-ears and attach to body.
Download: Jyarimon
al fin uno gracias jejeje
ReplyDeletemuy bueno, gran trabajo
ReplyDeletegostaria de uma parceria?
ReplyDeletecould you please design other digimon too
ReplyDeleteI can't download it ........
ReplyDeleteNão estou conseguindo baixar o arquivo, alguem poderia me ajudar
ReplyDeleteEu posso ajudar com isso
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