Gigimon is an in-training digimon who evolves from Jyarimon and into Guilmon. It sports a white belly, black-tipped tail, black markings near his eyes, the line's trademark wing-ears, and a face that has captured the hearts of many.
Height: 15 cm/5.9 in
Width: 22.5 cm/ 8.9 in
Depth: 10.1 cm/4 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 32
Level: Easy/Medium
Designer: POdragon
Photo: Destro2k
Notes: Build Gigimon's head, then mouth, body, legs; close at the tail. Build his wing-ears and attach to head.
Download: Gigimon
Muy buen aporte.
ReplyDeletemuy muy bueno gracias :D ya sere el tamer que siempre he querido ser
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Deleteestá muy genial, quiero armarlo *^* pero el link no funciona TT^TT
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